Sunday, August 15, 2010

What Kind of Social Scientist Would I Like to Be.

     I would like to be a geographer because I really like nature and different environments. The place I would most like to study is Lozere. Lozere is a region in France with enormous forests, beautiful plants, rivers and grassy mountains.

    Lozere is one of the places I have already visited which means I already know a lot about Lozere because I go there every summer. If I had a choice between rough terrain and grassy hills and lots of forests I would choose the one with a lot of forests. With my cousin and my brother we went on a trip in the forest on our bicycles. We decided to stop at a river. We put on our boots and our raincoats and we went across. It was really amusing and we later found out that it was a famous river in Lozere.

Being a geographer I would have to study about water. In Lozere there is a mineral water source called Volvic. I would like to study how it gets filtered through the volcanoes.

Now I will now tell you about plants, there are many kinds of plants in Lozere that are endangered in other places like foxgloves and gentians. In Lozere there are a lot of comestible plants like wild strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and mushrooms.

     In Lozere it would be easy to survive just with nature that's why I would like to study it.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Starting 6th Grade at ISKL

Hi I'm from France and I go to school at I.S.K.L.

     In France in winter it is very cold and in summer it is sunny and hot. I come from a region in France called Toulouse. Although I have never lived there I still go to visit my grandparents.

These are three adjectives that describe me, active, artistic and enthusiastic. Active because I play a lot of sports and artistic because in America I drew an image where I got a 2nd place medal in America for 7 year olds for being the 2nd best at drawing and finally enthusiastic because in class I make a lot of friends and people say I'm funny

I also have hobbies. Three of my hobbies are skateboarding, mountain biking and tennis. Once on my bike with my cousin and my brother I went 40km per hour in a hill. It felt like I was on a motorbike. It is a true story because on my cousins bike there was a counter that calculates km per hour.

I go to school at I.S.K.L and I'm in 6th grade and I like 6th grade because it has lockers and a lot of different teachers. I think having different teachers every day is better because or else it would be boring to have the same teacher every day. Another thing that is different from elementary school is the classes. In elementary school I didn't have drama or humanities. Drama is really fun because I love acting. Having a locker and buying your own food means that the teachers want the students in the school to be independent and organized. It has only been one week and instead of being hard or annoying, it has been fun. But you still get a lot of homework.

Welcome to my blog.