Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A time I Showed Courage

A time I showed courage was when I went to a Flying Fox place for my Birthday with my brother and my friends. I went on the adult Flying Fox. The adult one was 17 feet high so I was terrified. At first you had to climb a ladder to get to the top platform, the ladder was going straight up so half way up I prayed to myself. "Don't look down, don't look down".

A moment later I arrived at the top platform I was really tired after climbing up. I attached myself to the rope so you don't fall off, so it was OK to look down but I still didn't approach myself too much. The people below looked like tiny colorful dots. The first obstacle was only to make you get used to the height. You had to walk on a long green net, it wasn't that fun but it was really shaky so I was afraid to fall.

After that you had to walk on zig-zag planks. The planks were as thick as your foot so when you had to look where you were walking, you were automatically looking down I was sweating so much so that one was terrifying. The last one I will talk about was the Flying fox you had to swing on. You had to push yourself off the platform and glide across the forest. I had butterflies in my stomach but after a while I got used to it. It felt like I was on it for an hour but when I arrived at the platform I had to put my feet on it but when I did, my feet slipped and I went backwards. I was panicking a lot and wondering if I would get stuck in the middle of the wire but I was lucky my 14 year old brother grabbed my arm to pull me back on. That was the scariest out of all of the obstacles.

This was an important time in my life because I learned to conquer my fears like Mafatu conquered his fears by going across the sea when there was a hurricane.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What do the Artifacts tell us about Early Humans.

    Some of the Artifacts of Early Humans tell us that they had very small brains. Their brain would be about one third of our brain. So if they had small brains they would have very basic tools, like sharp carved stone, to skin or cut food.

     They also used stone to cut some wood for weapons and if they had weapons they probably had to go hunt and not go to the super market. After a million years or so their brain started to adapt or grow bigger so they would have had more adapted weapons to hunt like the spear thrower. The spear thrower would have helped them to throw the spear farther and stronger than just with your hands.

After about another million years later, their brain started to be as big as ours so they could use 100% of their brain to make even more complex artifacts like shells and beads to decorate. In their caves they spent their time carving little statues like a face of a women made out of smooth and polished mammoth tusk. On the walls of the caves there were also paintings and those paintings showed different animals like horses, buffalo, deer and handprints. These paintings probably meant that the Early Humans honored animals.

These were some of the ways Early Humans evolved into being us, modern humans.